Out With The Old In With The New
Old plastic needles may have been the right size, but they snapped one after another. Turns out they aren’t very good for poking – just too brittle. Also learned the hard way that you must take the needles out of your sock before you try the cuff on. Another needle bit the dust, this time in 7 pieces. Picking up the stitches was rather unpleasant. My poor sock wound up being on 1 #1, 2 #2’s and 1 #3. That would seem to be pushing my luck to get it to turn out anywhere close to gauge.
Yesterday afternoon I made a lovely new set of 5” bamboo US#1 needles. Sanding the tips to satiny smoothness took a bit longer than anticipated, but was well worth the results. Polished them with wax paper but applying a layer of beeswax may give a better finish. Two sets of US#5’s are cut and sharpened now, just waiting to be sanded and polished. Love the set of #8 straight needles I made a couple of weeks ago from chopsticks and mother-of-pearl buttons. Also cut a drinking straw into tiny rounds for stitch markers. Their lightweight nature makes them perfect for using on the DPNs. Back on track now with Sock #1 being stitched on 5 matching bamboo DPN’s. Time to start the heel at last!
Ouch! All of my Knitting Olympic DPN poking is happening on a regular if unplanned schedule. Turns out I poke myself at least once a day. No need to search elsewhere for a victim. That’s what I get for knitting in front of the computer while waiting for one of my favorite knitting podcasts to download.
Attended the Embroiderer’s Guild meeting last night. At least half a dozen others were knitting too. Next month I’m trading my new socknitting skills with a friend for her beaded knitting ideas. Time to make one of those lovely amulet bags. It’s been years since I purchased the size 0000 straight needles and strung a hank of seed beads on a ball of pearl cotton. Time to make something to match my new socks!
Ooops - looks as if Berrin doesn't think much of my knitting while we're taking a walk.